jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Bone Marrow Biopsy of August 10 2011 Results

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bone Marrow Biopsy of August 10 2011 Results

Dana Godec, RN brought me the chromosome results of my bone marrow biopsy which was done on August 10 2011.  The results are not good and at least 3 times in the report indicate that I have poor prognosis based on my cytogenetic chromosomal changes. I started out with only 2 chromosomal changes, translocation of 4/14 and deletion of 13. I still have the deletion of 13, but the translocation of 4/14 is gone. However, I have several more now. If you understand this, you're smarter than me.
However, the references for the poor prognosis listed on the back page of the results are from 2000 and 2003. The chemotherapy I've been on, Velcade and Revlimid, weren't available back then, so I'm taking the POOR PROGNOSIS with a grain of salt for now.

Here is the whole report if you want to wade through it.

I still don't have the bone marrow results for myeloma load. Remember, my initial myeloma load at diagnosis was 80 percent. They are forecasting the load as of August 10 2011 to be between 5 and 10 percent, but I don't have the official report yet. I also don't have my free light test results along with the latest M Spike value from the blood drawn August 10 2011 at UCH. I had blood drawn for free lights, immunoglobulins, and M Spike (that will be done at the Mayo Clinic) yesterday at Dr. Moore's office.


  1. I wouldn't deem myself a chromosome expert however after having looked into it recently at the prospect of finding my own results out, I can tell you that I came across reference at least three times to the chromosome 13 deletion no longer being the issue it was since the introduction of Revlimid. :D

  2. Thanks for you comment on the deletion of chromosome 13. I, also, had read that it was less of a poor outcome forecaster too. All of my other new chromosomal changes seem to be mutations to the chemo. My M Spike is down to 0.4 from 3.0 - so that is good. jm
