jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Stem Cell Harvest Day 1 - August 16 2011

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stem Cell Harvest Day 1 - August 16 2011

I drove myself to my stem cell harvest appointment at the University of Colorado this morning. I had to be there at 7:30 AM, so I left Greeley, Colorado just after 6 AM. First, they drew my blood to determine if I was ready for stem cell harvest. My white blood cell count was HIGH at 28.8 which is good for stem cell harvest and my platelets were normal at 192 and okay.
My CD34 value was 56.5 which is also good for stem cell harvest. I guess anything over 10 is okay.

Dana Godec, RN came and changed the dressing over my Trifusion Hickman Catheter. The most painful part of the Trifusion Hickman Catheter was the small incision they made in my neck above where you see the dressing below. They glued it together and it itches a lot today.
Jessica Jones in the UCH Apheresis Dept. hooked me up to the Cobe Sprectra Collect Flow Path machine at 10 AM and I got started donating my stem cells.
Jessica Jones, UCH Apheresis Dept.
Jessica also started IV calcium on me. My pre-stem cell harvest calcium level this morning was 1.19 within the normal range.

jm at the University of Colorado Hospital Apheresis Department August 16 2011. My headache improved some through the day while I was on the machine.

I spent about 5 hours on the machine today. If I had to pee, they brought me a port-a-potty since I was tethered to the machine~ I was SURPRISED that I didn't feel one bit different throughout the whole day as my blood went in and out of the machine except for my headache improved some.

I entertained myself with my laptop computer, iphone, and television. I quickly learned that the UCH television consists of about 10 channels only~~ I had plenty of food that Jani packed for me in 2 coolers - one cooler for bread and snacks and the other for cold items like drinks and yogurt. I had enough food with me to stay a week or at least several days - thanks Jani~
My stem cells were collected in the plastic bag in the middle of the picture below (looks sorta like light colored blood).
The machine has a computer that counts the time on the machine, the amount of fluid collected, etc.
Jessica and Martin watched the machine closely and were in and out all day making sure both the machine and I were okay. They are very competent and relaxed about what they do and they gave me a true sense of confidence that I could relax and just let them work~
Martin and Jessica at the UCH Apheresis Department August 16 2011
When my time was up on the machine for today, Jessica calculated that I had probably donated between 4.75 and 5.0 million stem cells. Dr. Myint wants 10 million stem cells, so I will have have to come back tomorrow and maybe the next day to fulfill the 10 million. Jessica gave me another 780 mg dose of Neupogen (2 subcutaneous injections in my right arm) and I took my Claritin. Jessica also drew blood for my post stem cell harvest calcium which was 1.20 (remember the beginning calcium was 1.19, so that was pretty good). 

Jessica gathered my stem cells in the plastic bag and the Cassie from Stem Cell ClinImmune came to take them to their lab.
Jessica and Cassie had to read a gazillion numbers to each other and do careful labeling of the stem cells.
 Then, Cassie carefully put my stem cells in the cooler she had with her along with a thermometer to make sure the stem cells stayed in the right temperature range for the short walk back to their lab for processing and freezing.
Jessica disconnected from the machine and Martin changed my Trifusion Hickman Catheter dressing again.

I loaded up my 2 coolers, laptop computer, laptop computer cooling fan tray and headed for Bart. Drove home via the E470 toll road and made good time back to Greeley. Was home by 4:35 PM.

All and all, it was a great day in my adventure - no hurts and nice caregivers~

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