jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Neupogen Begins August 12 2011

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Neupogen Begins August 12 2011

Jani wheeled me down to the University of Colorado Hospital BIC Center where we waited a few minutes for my Nurse Transplant Coordinator, Dana Godec, RN.
 Jani sat in an extra wheelchair while we waited.
Dana Godec, RN gave me my first 2 Neuopogen shots subcutaneously (one in my arm and one in my abdomen) for a total of 780 mg. The Neuopogen stimulates my bone marrow to send my stem cells to my blood stream for the stem cell harvest to begin, Tuesday, August 16 2011.

I think I was expecting more pain - but, afterall, I did have conscious sedation meds still on board from the Trifusion Catheter placement. I'll be giving my own Neuopogen shots at home August 13-15 2011.
Per usual, Dana Godec, RN is wonderful and sure makes navigation through the system at UCH easier for us. I'm always impressed with her knowledge base.

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