jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Walking 1.35 miles at the University of Colorado Hospital - August 24 2011

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Walking 1.35 miles at the University of Colorado Hospital - August 24 2011

They have a very nice treadmill in a HOT LITTLE room here on the 11th Floor of the University of Colorado Bone Marrow Transplant unit. I put my clean tennis shoes on (Jani washed them and I put brand new insoles in them) and did 1.35 miles.  I think I walked faster than when I walk outside with Jani and the dogs...either that or the heat in the room made my heart go a thumpin'. Yes, that is my IV pole with all those pumps and concoctions on it AND I've only forgotten to take it with me all the time until jerks me back ~~~~

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