jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Change of shifts University of Colorado Hospital August 24 2011 7 AM

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Change of shifts University of Colorado Hospital August 24 2011 7 AM

The nurses gather in the room for change of shift report here at the University of Colorado Hospital - I like that. From left to right, Nurse Laurie (off going night nurse), Nurse Angela and Nurse Johanna (day nurses for August 24). Aren't they cute?


  1. Hi Judy, My name is Shawn and I am a MM patient also at UCH. I found your blog and have been followig your progress. I am a week or two behind you in treatment. I head to UCH on Monday the 29th for my D-Pace and then 8 days of neupogen and then on the 12th stem cell harvest. I came by onc to meet you during your harvest but that was the day you weren't there. I hope to meet you some time and I am sure our paths will cross. Good luck to you! Shawn (female)

  2. Hi Shawn - sorry I missed you last Friday. My email is and I think they have figured out how I can send email from the 11th Floor now. I'm sorry to hear you been diagnosed with multiple myeloma and good luck to you too.
