jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 2nd ASCT - Day 119 - September 14 2012

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Friday, September 14, 2012

2nd ASCT - Day 119 - September 14 2012

My DRY MOUTH and TONGUE continue and I cannot TASTE anything that is not SALTY or SWEET. Oh well. I continue to have muscle cramps in my lower legs and feet when I stretch at night - throw you out of bed-like. Stretching helps the cramps. 

I also had an episode of sustained tacycardia (fast heart rate) at 96 at rest this evening. No matter what I did - my heart rate stayed at 119 and I felt tired. I'm going to have to discuss this with Dr. Padavanija at my next appointment, 18 Sept 2012. I'm pretty sure it is Zolinza caused. I looked up the side effects and it can occur and so does HAIR LOSS ~

I went to the funeral of a cowboy I've known all my life this afternoon, Darrell Leavitt (age 86). What a nice tribute! Darrell's wife, Alice (below) survives him.
The funeral was very well attended and the Community Church here in Mackay was FULL. I wore my N-95 mask, hoping I wouldn't "catch" anything in the crowded environment.

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