jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Blog Visitor's Map September 15 2012

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blog Visitor's Map September 15 2012

People from all across the world are following my "Adventure with Multiple Myeloma" blog. I'm only using a free counting service showing just the last 200 site visits at any given time.


  1. Talk about globalization! I'm sure each one of us MMers admires your toughness, persistence, and terrific photo abilities! Oh, and we love Kenner too!

  2. I follow your high risk case to see whether there is more than one day in a row when your life and health is not consumed by are tough but your blog is quite depressing...

  3. Dear Anonymous, I'm sorry you find my blog "depressing". I am not depressed and the last thing I would want is for you to be depressed on my account! My advice is for you to quit reading my blog so you can cheer up. jm

  4. Yes, I love Kemmer too, Lovey. Thanks for your support. jm

  5. Surprised the blog counter didn't pick up the Bogota, Colombia follower - me - but then I've been in the U.S. for the past two months, so maybe it didn't get me before... anyhow, I'm your South American reader, supporter, intender... and glad to hear/read you are doing better!

  6. Sandy, I am using a free counter that only logs on the last 100 visits, that is probably why it missed your Bogota visit. At any rate, I'm happy to have you along. How are you connected to multiple myeloma? jm
