jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Headstone Order - Update May 13 2013

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Headstone Order - Update May 13 2013

First, let me explain ---- I have ALWAYS loved cemeteries and especially the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery here in Mackay, Idaho where all my relatives  on my mother's side are buried. 

So, today Jani and I drove to Idaho Falls, Idaho (100 miles each way) and ordered a headstone for me at Idaho Monument. I won't have the proof of the stone for a couple of weeks.

Jani walked Zoe and Kemmer when we got home.
Reminded me of their puppy days. Below shown with Rudi (my dachshund who passed away in 2009); Zoe and Kemmer taken on 7 Jul 2008. 
Jani bought replacement lilacs since a couple of mine did not make through the winter.


  1. im sorry but i am sad that you would order that head stone, why would you do that? I need you to keep the fight so i can.JR

  2. JR, don't worry. Here in Idaho, it is VERY COMMON to have your headstone out in the cemetery way before you die...even years ahead. I'm still fighting the good fight...don't worry. jm

  3. You had me worried until I read your comment to JR. You are one helluva fighter....keep on swinging! Terry L. from NJ
