jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Some Days Are Just FUN - Update May 12 2013

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Relapsed High-Risk Myeloma - Some Days Are Just FUN - Update May 12 2013

We had a visit this morning, 12 May 2013 from the Koeckeritz's. I used to teach with Jane at the University of Northern Colorado. They are in Idaho visiting their son, daughter-in-law, and twin grandsons.

Their son, Brad, is a licensed pilot and he was able to rent a plane (Cessna 1979 172 N Tail Number 2863 Echo 4 Seater) for this Sunday morning bringing his parents over from Boise. Paco (my father), Jani, and I went out to the Mackay Airport to watch for the Cessna 179 Plane arrival...all VERY excited.

"Da Plane" below (double click all photos or best viewing).

Coming in from the north and turning around to land into the wind.
Malkiewicz Honda collection - Paco's Honda Truck, my 1999 Passport named Jonah, and Jani's Honda Truck.
Mackay Airport Runway 30 North.

Expert pilot with lots of patience to watch his instruments and check-lists.
The only plane at the Mackay Airport today coming in for a parking space (they were all open).
Mackay Idaho Airport Security Dogs greet the plane on arrival. (Zoe and Kemmer).
Friends Jane and Steve Koeckeritz.
The Mackay Idaho Airport Security Dogs (Zoe, Kemmer, Kady) with the Koeckeritz's and Malkiewicz's.
Visiting with Paco (in the truck).
Pilot Brad was able to take Jani up for the ride of her lifetime! I didn't think I should go because of my low platelets and a long history of not enjoying amusement park rides.
Jani was soooo excited.
We are all down there on the ground waving at Jani and Brad inside the plane.
Mt. McCaleb Cemetery from the air. 
My house from the air (blue roof).
Mackay and Marinac's River Park Golf Course and RV Campground from the air.
Mackay, Idaho from the air.
Mackay Dam north of Mackay, Idaho from the air.
Riding the "thermals" next to Mt. Borah - the tallest mountain in Idaho at 12,667 feet located about 19 miles north of Mackay, Idaho.
Heading back to Mackay, Idaho following the Big Lost River.
And then the Koeckeritz's were off back to Boise...what a fun couple of hours! One continuous smile on this adventure girl's face.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right...some days are just fun. Steve would have been happy with a longer tour of Mackay.
