jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: Exercise Evaluation at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute in Greeley Colorado July 6 2011

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Exercise Evaluation at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute in Greeley Colorado July 6 2011

Jani drove me from Aurora Colorado back to Greeley Colorado for my 1:15 PM appointment at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Rehab Institute located on the University of Northern Colorado Campus in the Ben Nighthorse Campbell building. My oncologist, Dr. James Moore wrote a prescription for exercise for me as it has been shown that being physically fit helps with the fatigue associated with chemotherapy treatments.

My exercise assessement team consisted of Janice, Jeremy, and Kurt Dallow, MD.
jm with Jeremy and Kurt Dallow, MD July 6 2011

I was asked by Dan Shackelford to participate in a research study, "The Effects of Exercise on Oxidative Stress Markers in Cancer Survivors Following Radiation and Chemotherapy" which will involve me letting them draw my blood (3 little vials) on 3 occasions. I agreed. What is 3 more vials of blood when I've given 12 vials earlier to day and 3 vials yesterday. Collin drew my blood on the first poke while Dan Shackelford looked on.

Then I went through about 2 hours of testing including a balance assessment, skin fold testing, circumference measuring, pulmonary function, flexibility, strength testing, and a treadmill assessment supervised by Dr. Dallow. My back hurts across my scapula when I walk and Dr. Dallow said this might be a sign of angina (heart pain) since it dissipates when I stop exercising and my PET Scan was clean for myeloma lytic lesions. Despite my anemia (Hemoglobin 9.1), I think I did pretty well on all the testing, and I was tired at the end.
Team jm with Jeremy and Janice July 6 2011. They will work out an exercise prescription for me tailored to my specific testing and abilities and I will return 2 times a week to work with a trainer.

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