jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: 1st Night Report Inpatient University of Colorado Hospital 11th Floor BMT Unit August 23-24 2011

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1st Night Report Inpatient University of Colorado Hospital 11th Floor BMT Unit August 23-24 2011

1st Night Report Inpatient University of Colorado Hospital 11th Floor BMT Unit August 23-24 2011. I had a pretty good night, although I did not sleep well. Nurse Laurie gave me 1/2 of Percocet for creepy legs and left-sided neck pain - helped a lot and did not snow me. Nurse Laurie had trouble drawing blood through the red port on my Trifusion Hickman Catheter, so she had to order some medicine to put in there for 40 minutes and then it worked - at least we hope it does for the next blood draw.
Nurse Laurie, Nights August 23-24 2011 and I never did get a picture of Cheri (sorry).

Aide Cheri was very helpful through the night with any of my requests. I walked up and down the short hallway twice during the night.

I had a chest x-ray last night to check the placement of the Trifusion Hickman Catheter because there is a curling of the tubing in my neck above the actual catheter exit point. The x-ray came back normal - whew~
I haven't really experienced nausea per se, but each time I feel like I might - I feed it!~ I ate a peanut butter sandwich through out the night, some wheat thins, and a vanilla yogurt. I've already gained 3 pounds and I hadn't even been here 12 hours when they weighed me.

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