jm's Adventure with Multiple Myeloma: April 2012

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lab Results - April 28 2012

Drove myself to UCH this morning to have my labs check. I'm doing great - on the upswing after the 13-17 Apr 2012 Cycle 2 VD-PACE. Was in an out in less than an hours - A RECORD!

My white blood less count is 6.4 (norms 4-11.1); platelets 83 (norms 150-400); and hemoglobin 10.1 (norms 12.1-16.3). All abnormal, but good for me!

 Still have lots of abnormal type cells in my peripheral smear including anisocytosis, polychromasia, schistocytes, and tear drop cells.
 I updated my blog while I waited.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Doctor's Visit Today - April 26 2012

Jani and I drove down to UCH early in case I needed a platelet transfusion today (I did not). RN Brooke drew my blood and we went to wait in the Cancer Center waiting area for my appointment with Dr. Myint this afternoon. Jani graded papers.
We saw Nurse Practitioner Shannon and Dr. Myint right on time. 
Dr. Myint told us that my 3 May 2012 bone marrow biopsy results will have to be less than 5 % plasma cells and free of cytogenetic changes, especially 1q21 and 4:14 before I would be candidate for the 2nd autologous stem cell transplant. If I (well, my bone marrow) meet this criteria, then I'd be admitted on 11 May 2012 for 1 week of conditioning chemotherapy called VD-BEAM followed by the stem cell transplant --- a minimum 21 day stay in the hospital!

If my bone marrow fails to make the cytogenetic-free and 5 % or less plasma cells, then I'll still be admitted on 11 May 2012 for a 3rd Cycle of VD-PACE. And, then in a month, they would re-evaluate for the 2nd autologous stem cell transplant.

I will have an echocardiogram on 2 May 2012 to evaluate the blood clot in the right atrium of my heart. If all is okay with that, I will have Pulmonary Function Tests that afternoon. The bone marrow biopsy is scheduled for the next day on 3 May 2012.

My white blood cell count is soaring today at 14.3 (norms 4-11.1), but they feel this is Neulasta effect and not my REAL white blood cell count; My hemoglobin is low at 9.4 (norms 12.1-16.3); and my platelets are up, yet low at 67 (norms 150-400) which means I will have to increase my Fragmin dosage tonight to 12,500 units.

My Immunolglobulin G is down to 434 today which is good. At relapse it was 818. You cannot really evaluate the Immunoglobulin G values with the standard norm range listed below. My cancer is in the immunoglobulin G - so, any increase is not GOOD. Just as reference, my immunoglobulin G was 3,422 on 13 June 2011 just after I was diagnosed on 24 May 2011.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lab Results April 24 2012

Drove myself to UCH this morning for my lab tests. My blood values are beginning to drift downward as expected after my 2nd Cycle of VD-PACE (13-17 April 2012). The expectation is that I will need platelet transfusion and a blood transfusion after the 2nd Cycle.

My white blood cell count is 3 (norms 4-11.1), my platelets 43 (norms 150-400) and I don't need a platelet transfusion until they go below 30, just reduce Fragmin injection to 7,500 units which I did 2 days ago; and my hemoglobin is 10 (norms 12.1-16.3).

My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is 1.3 (norms 1.8-7.8). And I have bunch of abnormal findings in my blood - probably all be to be expected after so much chemotherapy - macrocytes, polychromasia, schistocytes, and tear drop cells.

I see Dr. Myint on Thursday afternoon. My only question is how low does the percentage of plasma cells (multiple myeloma) have to be in my bone marrow biopsy to be done 3 May 2012 to qualify me for the 2nd autologous stem cell transplant. When I was first diagnosed on 24 May 2011, the percentage of plasma cells was 80 % and when I relapsed in February 2012 the percentage of plasma cells was greater than 50 %. I've been through 2 cycles of VD-PACE chemotherapy since my relapse in an attempt to bring the percentage DOWN...we'll see.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Feeling Pretty Good - April 22 2012

Today is 5 days post VD-PACE Cycle 2 and I'm feeling amazingly okay. My guts are never normal, but livable today. If you forget your mirror, you can look at yourself on top of my shiny head~
I reduced my Fragmin injection to 7,500 units tonight because last night the injection site oozed. I don't get my blood checked again until Tuesday, 4/24/2012 AM.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

M Spike and SPEP Results from April 13 2012

My Spike and SPEP results came for April 13 2012. These were drawn just before they started the 2nd Cycle of VD-PACE on April 13 2012. My M Spike remains at 0.3 (norm zero).

Friday, April 20, 2012

April 20 2012

Chuck Henderson drove me to my blood draw appointment at UCH this morning. My blood values are good and have not begun to travel downward as is expected after the 2nd Cycle of VD-PACE. Chuck and I were back in Greeley at 11 AM.
My white blood cell count remains higher than it has ever been at 7.5 (norms 4-11.1); my platelets adequate but low at 99 (norms 150-400); and my hemoglobin is low, but great at 11.1 (12.1-16.3).

On the peripheral smear, I have "sperocytes" and "tear drop cells" whatever those are.
Comprehensive metabolic panel is all normal including my protein and albumin levels which indicate my diet is adequate.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fragmin Injection - April 19 2012

I continue on Fragmin 12,500 units daily injection to thin my blood since I still have the blood clot in the right atrium of my heart. I'm really supposed to have a dose 15,000 units, but since I I have the 12,500 units on hand the my co-pay is $200, they decided 12,500 units would be okay until next prescription. I give the injections to myself in my abdomen with the DULLEST needles in the world!!!!

Neulasta Injection - April 19 2012

Jani drove me to UCH this morning for a Neulasta injection in the back of my right arm which will help recover my bone marrow from all the chemotherapy I had with the 2nd Cycle of VD-PACE 13-17 April 2012. I was careful to remember to take Claritin 10 mg prior - hopefully, to reduce the bone and muscle pain associated with Neulasta.
We were in and out in 20 minutes and the Valet Parking had our car close, so we were home before 11 AM. I told Jani we should buy a Lotto Ticket with this kind of luck.

Came home and walked 0.52 miles in 16 1/2 minutes up and down the street here. Kemmer walks with me so nicely without the leash. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18 2012

Kemmer and me April 18 2012 in Greeley, Colorado. Not up to walking today, but I did stroll around the backyard.
The lilacs are blooming here in Greeley, Colorado and they smell so nice!
I had a rough night - pain across my chest beneath my breasts that was like a constricting band, but it did not go around to my back. I thought I might be having a heart attack, but Jani checked my blood pressure, pulse ox, and pulse and I they were normal. We decided the pain was related to my esophagus and/or stomach and it would be better if I tried to sleep sitting up. I took Kytril and a 1/2 Percocet and things calmed down. Jani is so good with me when I whirl in to anxiety about something!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Back in Greeley, Colorado April 17 2012

Back in Greeley, Colorado. Still pretty sick to my stomach.

Discharged UCH 5:50 PM April 17 2012

Well, I was able to leave UCH at 5:50 PM April 17 2012 after my 2nd Cycle of VD-PACE. Swollen with extra fluids, but leaving as RN Kiea discharges me. I will be filling in my blog in reverse as I re-orient myself to the computer.

Velcade Intravenously - April 17 2012

I rigged up the wrist holder for the 3 IV tubes hooked to my PICC Line because they pulled at the insertion site and hurt. The wrist support really helped.

I got my 2nd dose of Velcade this afternoon.
I didn't experience any serious nausea today until about 3 PM. The nurse gave me intravenous phenergan and I went right to sleep...settled my stomach too! The phenergan pill that I received yesterday helped my nausea, but not totally, so that is why we tried the intravenous route.

Psychologist Ben Brewster stopped by for a short visit with Jani and I. He is always so easy to talk to.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April 15 2012

Couldn't eat today, even though I ordered this hearty meal. The broccoli was frozen on delivery.
Around 1 PM, I was NOT feeling too hot - feeling like things might be going north soon.  They gave me a phenergan pill which I barely got down with a sip of water. But, in 30 minutes, it helped.
They gave me a Kytril pill (anti-nausea) tonight because the Zofran they had been giving me gave me an all over my head headache.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14 2012

RN Elysia is from Montana and we share the rural life.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Lab Results UCH Inpatient - April 13 2012

My white blood cell count is up to 2.9 (norms 4-11.1); my platelets are 134 (norms 150-400); and my hemoglobin is down a tad to 10.8 (12.1-16.3). I discovered that I was only taking 12,500 units of Fragmin at home the last 2 days when I should have been taking 15,000 units - but, I didn't have any of those.

My ANC (absolute neutrophil count) is better at 2.0 (norms 1.8-6.6).
The drew my immunoglobulins A, M, and G again. My Immunoglobulin G is down a tad to 600 (norms 791-1643), but again, I'm not really sure how to interpret these values.

My uric acid is up to 6.1 (norms 2.6-8.7), but still a rise for me.
My LDH is up to 176 (norms 98-192), and I'm pretty sure this is not a good sign.
My phosphorus is higher than the norms at 5.6 (norms 2.7-4.5).
My magnesium is low at 1.6 (norms 1.3-2.1) and here in the hospital they give you magnesium replacement units when it is this low and I received to replacement units April 13 2012.
My comprehensive metabolic panel is all normal except form my creatinine (a measure of kidney function) which is 1.63 (norms 0.40- 1.20). This is the first time I've ever had an abnormal creatinine vale and is somewhat worrisome to me.
My urinalysis was normal.
They ran another Congestive Heart Failure BNP blood test and it remains normal at 23 (norms 0-100).
My serum protein is normal at 6.4 (norms 6.4-8.3).